Monday, December 15, 2008

confrontive nonviolent idea: "humor mines"

Thought this might get some youthful creative juices flowing, in light of the increasingly intense situations happening in solidarity with the youth of Greece. Wrote this short creative approach in a comment on another blog and thought, hey maybe I ought to put it here!

For those who can give themselves permission to do something beyond mere reaction to authority's routine rigidized alienation. And in light of the realities of nonlethal warfare already leveled upon us all...

Imagine radicalized humor projected into such situations. This isn't to say that we allow authoritarians to trample us in other ways, by the way. But telling jokes which "bowl over" the human beings who are being tooled by their professions has an interesting and most excellently human impact.

Escaping the duality-stuck methodology of pretty much "normalized" ways of experiencing authoritarian challenge is my intent here. Why completely subordinate to so-called "tried and true" ways of movement building when it's obvious that these partially important truths are deeply lacking. And for those who believe I must be a major greenhorn, I've personally used such techniques, in a much more primitive scale, in "hairy" situations, and found surprising openings for such creativity.

The rest is up to your imagination, i.e. in how to carry such out.

My thought is, say you are faced with unleashed martial mindsets which are deploying for a sweep upon your home territory, a "humor mine" is tripped.

Someone could make such a "humor mine" that is tripped, remotely or automatically, beyond the group under direct management technique (one getting out of hand, especially). Then no author would be easily located, and such nonviolent "mines" could plague the unwitting war-minded. Including with much loudness.

Why not take this idea and run? Maybe at least play with it while you're doing your sit-ins or whatever. See how fun things can get when you use your creative imagination?!


vegantic said...

Hey David, this is Jon; Alberta St. HELD Belts volunteer & vegan vagrant savant. I'm on if you ever want to chat. I hope your travels fulfilled yearn worthy experiences. Cheers, Jon

rusty said...

Thanks for the heads up! I would love to see a lot of posts from you because I learn really cool ideas from you. I will also share this with my friends. Thanks.
Entrepreneur and Visionary