Friday, November 16, 2007


Welcome to a space where "radical's radical" visionary seeing is finally possible!

This blog's intention is to include possibly many visionaries' seeing and sharing.

a little background to the title
What i mean by "radical's radical"? Well, the ideah iz beyond the same old again of colonization as usual. That means seeing (*and remembering*) beyond the confines of "normal" corrals where creatives are kept (usually unbeknownst to them); kept so that their visions remain contained in order to serve the interests of those whom colonize.

We are all colonized. That means we have been programmed/trained/organized --socially, politically, etcetera, in such a way as to be "of use" to an abstract called "society" --and its values of getting creative people to help implement the policies of the state/corporate nexus.

Of course, we are *taught* that "society" is all of us; yet increasingly, more and more groups of (and individual) folks (not only the usually marginalized and demonized) are getting their toes stepped on and even their feet stomped --via various forms of what is called "authority". More and more folks, then, are getting slapped with reality; the same reality which many other groups have been experiencing for a very long time.

For example:
(this is a short video documenting state-fomented terrorism used quite recently against indigenous canadians)

Need i say more?

Educate yourself to such realities more:

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